Ontario - Current Job Listings - North Bay General Hospital

The North Bay General Hospital is committed to providing compassionate, quality, patient-focused care to the people of North Bay and surrounding areas.

A Level â??Câ?? district referral centre, NBGH is truly a community hospital with more than 95% of family physicians in North Bay actively participating in patient care. Given the relatively small size of its community, NBGH offers a wide range of programs and services. Our staff and physicians maintain high standards and are flexible and innovative; ready to try new approaches and programs always improving patient care.

Patients and their families repeatedly tell us that they appreciate the warm and skillful care they receive at our hospital. Our current physical facilities however, are inefficient, over-crowded, and unable to support modern medical technology. And because of this, North Bay has been given a wonderful opportunity to create a unique and innovative health centre on a beautiful site alongside the cityâ??s education complex. For the first time ever in Ontario, a health centre will include a general hospital and an advanced specialized mental health facility together on the same site. As well, the province of Ontario announced that a childrenâ??s treatment centre that will bring together services for children with special needs is also to be built on the site.

For More Information: http://www.nbgh.on.ca/careers_main.asp?id=4

Nursing Resources

Telenursing refers to the use of telecommunications and information technology for providing nursing services in... more >
Surgical Nursing
Pre-operatively: Preparation of patients for their procedure involves ensuring pre-medication is administered, the... more >
Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric nursing is the speciality of nursing that cares for people of all ages with mental illness or mental... more >
Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Nursing is an area of nursing and medical practice with a focus on providing holistic care to infants,... more >
Orthopaedic Nursing
Orthopedic nursing is a nursing specialty focused on the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.... more >
Obstetrics is the surgical specialty dealing with the care of women and their children during pregnancy, childbirth... more >
Nursing Management
Nursing management is performing leadership functions of governance and decision-making within organizations... more >
Health Informatics
Health informatics, Health care informatics or medical informatics is the intersection of information science,... more >